Username: CST4129
Password: Summer2023!
- Verify Aeroplan Number
- Go to Verify An Account tab
- Input Aeroplan number and Guest's last name
- Hit Submit
- If verified, PACTool will indicate so
- If an error occurs, this most likely because the Aeroplan number is invalid, or the account is under a different last name
- Credit Miles
- Go to Credit Miles
- Input Aeroplan number and guest last name
- Use the reservation's checkout date as the transaction date - PACTool will only go back up to 6 months, even if you are crediting a stay past that period
- If you are crediting a stay past the 6-month grace period, use "today's date"
- Input the Coast Hotel three letter hotel code for the Store/Location Number
- Use FC Number as the Reference Number (without the Property Code)
- Please refer to attachment for the Promotion Code (this is mostly used when crediting promotional miles, as other miles can be done through TravelClick)
- Input the correct number of miles
- Once you hit Submit, a recap screen will pop up before anything is finalized
- Please remember that anything credited through PACTool is irreverisble
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